How to Build an Audiology Website - 8 Easy Steps

Source: The Buzz NDCS

Audiology Website

How to make an Audiology website**

In 8 easy steps

Step 1. USE AN ear logo with sine wave

Source: The Buzz NDCS

Step 2. Use a photo of this guy

or this guy

or this guy

Step 3. say something generic

Hear Today. Hear Tomorrow.

Source: undefined

Step 4. absolutely no white space

Special offer!



This thing is so amazing you need to get it right now. $500 OFF* Today only. And Tomorrow. And the next day.

*$500 OFF is applied after our $500 price increase. You know it's valuable though because we put OFF in all caps.

30 day satisfaction guarantee

Source: eegees

Step 5. Bury your reviews on a "testimonials" page, where almost no one will see them

Source: undefined

Step 6. make your website really slow

"the best things in life are worth waiting for" - all website visitors

Even though Google says page speed will be a ranking factor, they are probably lying.

Many new Audiology websites are scoring 50/100 or below on Google's pagespeed insights. Some as low as 15.

Step 7. do not use any photos or videos of yourself or the office

Source: Barry

People love surprises!

Keep 'em guessing!

Step 8. do not click the button below

**This website was brought to you by the Direct Mail Association, Newspaper Ad Sellers of America and Your Competition.