Audiology Website
How to Build an Audiology Website - 8 Easy Steps
How to make an Audiology website**
In 8 easy steps
Step 1. USE AN ear logo with sine wave
Step 2. Use a photo of this guy
or this guy
or this guy
Step 3. say something generic
Hear Today. Hear Tomorrow.
Step 4. absolutely no white space
Special offer!
This thing is so amazing you need to get it right now. $500 OFF* Today only. And Tomorrow. And the next day.
*$500 OFF is applied after our $500 price increase. You know it's valuable though because we put OFF in all caps.
30 day satisfaction guarantee
Step 5. Bury your reviews on a "testimonials" page, where almost no one will see them
Step 6. make your website really slow
"the best things in life are worth waiting for" - all website visitors
Even though Google says page speed will be a ranking factor, they are probably lying.
Many new Audiology websites are scoring 50/100 or below on Google's pagespeed insights. Some as low as 15.
Step 7. do not use any photos or videos of yourself or the office
People love surprises!
Keep 'em guessing!
Step 8. do not click the button below
**This website was brought to you by the Direct Mail Association, Newspaper Ad Sellers of America and Your Competition.